29. Festival LeipJAZZig: Gellért Szabó’s Ideal Orchestra (Record Release!)
14 März – 20:30 – 22:30
29. Festival LeipJAZZig: Gellért Szabó’s Ideal Orchestra (Record Release!)

Das Ideal Orchestra schreibt auf seinem Instagram-Kanal https://www.instagram.com/ideal.orchestra/: Do you like opulent music?
Our new album ‚Live at Berghain‘ will be released on 7.3.2025 on @boomslang.records
It was recorded on Totensonntag ’23 and is the most opulent piece of music we created so far. A beautifully recorded video of the whole concert will be uploaded, highly recommended.
Alle Infos gibt’s auf unserer Festival-Website https://www.leipjazzig.de/fruehjahrsfestival/